Sarah B. Yoga + Feldenkrais
Sarah has been creating podcast classes since 2007. Listen to free yoga and Feldenkrais® classes to support your home practice. Each podcast is an originally crafted class taught by Sarah Baumert. Episodes range in length, level and style. Sarah's teaching is alignment based, unhurried, and rich with somatic inquiries. Her cueing is effective, easy to follow, and uses visualizations of postures to allow for unexpected growth and depth. You will find live unplugged versions of her classes, as well as classes that are specifically produced for the podcast medium. Find more of Sarah's teaching including live online classes and self-paced courses at https://www.body-matter.com
78 episodes
Relaxed Eyes with Rolling Hands - Feldenkrais (Re-release)
Episode 109:This is a re-release of one of my most popular classes. I originally taught this lesson as a part of the Soften the System Feldenkrais® Course
Episode 109
Freeing Your Neck From Behind- Feldenkrais
Episode 108:Today’s class is a short Feldenkrais lesson that will be done lying on the back. This simple, but effective lesson, creates a sense of wholeness and connection from your feet to your head. This lesson is f...
Episode 108
Walking Around Your Center Line - Feldenkrais
Episode 107:Today I am going to share a lesson that introduces us to how the hip and shoulder joints relate to our spine, and how they coordinate for walking. This is an intro class for the Feldenkrais Walking Series:...
Episode 107
Welcoming Your Body Into the New Year: A Meditation
Episode 106: Today’s class is a short meditation that can be done lying down in savasana or sitting upright. Our inquiry of study during this meditation was inspired by two of my most influential teachers, Insight Med...
Episode 106
Getting to Know Your Spine
Episode 105: In this 35 minute practice we will be utilizing a thin blanket roll to wake up spinal flexion, extension and rotation all along the spine. This is a warm up that I have been teaching variations of in man...
Episode 105
Weighted Breathing
Episode 104: Today’s class is a short breath awareness meditation done in savasana with a weight placed on the belly.You will need something heavy that you can place on your abdomen. If you have a yoga sandbag, this works ...
Episode 104
Covering the Eyes - Feldenkrais
Episode 103: Today’s class is focused on calming the eyes. This class is similar to Episode 56, but I wanted to re record and re-teach the class, as it has been a popular episode and I wanted to get a higher quality audio version...
Episode 103
Restoring Attention to the Breath
Episode 102: Today’s class is an exploration of the breath. In yoga, we call this pranayama. However today’s lesson will be more of a Feldenkrais inspired way of paying attention to the breath. With each proposal, each variation ...
Episode 102
Yoga Nidra - Non Sleep Deep Rest
Episode 101: A 25 minute Yoga Nidra class. Yoga Nidra is a guided savasana that leads you into a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping. The practice draws our attention inwards, and we can learn to slip ...
Episode 101
Finding Freedom in Your Body
Episode 100: Today I am going to share with you an episode of the Expand Your Abilities Podcast with Jeffrey Schwinghammer. Jeffrey is a filmmaker and Feldenkrais practitioner ...
Episode 100
Harmonizing the Neck and Upper Back - Yoga + Feldenkrais Blended
Episode 99:This is a 40 minute live Feldenkrais + Yoga blended class focusing on communication between the neck, shoulders, and upper back. You will need a yoga blanket rolled into a cylindrical bolster.
Episode 99
Grounding Yoga for the Back Body
Episode 98: This is a 75 minute live yoga class focusing on stretching the posterior line of the body, hamstring attention, and weighted belly breathing. Sarah Baumert
Episode 98
Yoga Nidra for Grief or Change
Episode 97: A 40 minute Yoga Nidra practice with the intention to support feelings of overwhelm that come with grief or change.Sarah Baumert has been teaching moveme...
Episode 97
Hip Recovery Yoga: Post Run, Post Bike, or Post Garden Restoratives
Episode 96: A 30 minute recovery class full of supine hip stretches and a restful savasana. This is a great class to do as a recovery after a run, a long bike ride or hike, or an afternoon of gardening. You will need a wall space...
Episode 96
Posture as A Dynamic System: A Feldenkrais® Approach to Posture
Episode 95: Today's podcast is constructed in two parts. First, I will be talking about posture as a dynamic system and giving some information on my Feldenkrais series, Postu...
Episode 95
Tech Antidote for Spine and Eyes: Yoga + Feldenkrais Blended
Episode 94: A 60 minute live class blending Feldenkrais and gentle yoga poses. In this class we explore creating a sense of width in the body. Oftentimes if our eyes have a more narrow focus (like when we are looking ...
Episode 94
Rolling the Pelvis and Head with Leg Circles - Feldenkrais®
Episode 93: A 60 minute Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement lesson. It is the intro class for my new series Your Poetic Pelvis. Please have a comfor...
Episode 93
Decompress for a Longer Spine - 75 minute yoga
Episode 92: A live 75 minute gentle yoga class. This class has a number of non-traditional sequences. Listen carefully and explore as you need to. Do what feels good!
Episode 92
Yoga Nidra for Deep Sleep
Episode 91: A 40 minute Yoga Nidra class. Yoga Nidra is a guided savasana that leads you into a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping. The practice draws our attention inwards, and we can learn to ...
Episode 91
Free Hips and Shoulders - Blending of Yoga + Feldenkrais
Episode 90: A live 75 minute class blending yoga and the Feldenkrais method. In this class we push and pull against and away from the props to help free the hip and shoulder joints. Please have a looped strap, a blanket and...
Episode 90
Rolling a Ball from Hip to Hip with Pelvic Floor Awareness
Episode 89: A short Feldenkrais lesson using the pubic bone, the tailbone, and the creases of the hip joints as anatomical places of reference and awareness. This mini lesson is an example of the direction that the lesso...
Episode 89
The Pelvis as a Dynamic System: A Feldenkrais® Approach to Pelvic Floor and Abdominal Health
Episode 88: An informational podcast about pelvic floor and deep abdominal health. Pelvic Floor Health and Abdominal strengthening is one of the most requested topics I get from students. Today, I will be discussing why...
Episode 88
Yoga Restoratives with Detail
Episode 87: A 40 minute yoga class of slow active restoratives. We mostly focus on three poses, a shoulder opener, a twist, and a restorative backbend. With attention and detail, we will unstick the shoulder bl...
Episode 87